Sisters Who Scene It
Sisters Who Scene It
Blade Runner
Katie and Bridget test each other to see if they're robots as they re-watch the cult classic: Blade Runner! It's a movie all about how despite living your entire life thinking that you're just a normal human, you could actually be a REPLICANT (aka robot) whose had your memories IMPLANTED and you're going to DIE in less than 4 years! Ever think about that before!? NOW YOU WILL! Come along as we meet Deckard, our movie's "Blade Runner" who is tasked to hunt down some replicants who have invaded LA in 2019 (lol) and are wreaking havoc. When he meets Rachel, a woman who just discovered she's actually a replicant, Deckard begins to develop emotions for the robots as he continues to hunt them down. This movie asks the existential questions such as: How important is autonomy and choice in life? What is the value of life? And... Are all replicants living the polyamorous lifestyle or something because those guys be making out a lot!? We've got action, Reddit threads, and deep ass quotes in this 80's sci-fi film! Released in 1982, it stars Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah, Joanna Cassidy, and Brion James.